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InLife (Independent Life)
Offers the possibility of autonomous execution of basic household actions without the need for any external technological intervention.


Remote Assistance via AR

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SOS button with geolocation service

What is InLife?

The InLife (Independent Life) application is provided to families who have as protected members people with Down syndrome or suffering from Dementia (Alzheimer’s) in the early stages. The InLife application offers the possibility of autonomous execution of basic household actions without the need for any external technological intervention. Family privacy is NOT violated through InLife. Its use is simple and at minimal cost. The revenue of the application will be attributed to institutions or actions that host and protect these vulnerable social groups. The InLife environment consists of the InLife information system and the InLife mobile application. Also, the existence of network coverage (Internet) is necessary. All support material is automatically created and stored on the InLife server by the guardian of the person needing help. The renewal/replacement of the material is done at zero cost. The supervisor has the option of easily connecting to the platform, using his login details (email, password) or connecting through his Google account.

Where can i use InLife?

AR Assist Technical
In People with Alzheimer Syndrome
For example there is a person who doesn’t remember how to use the microwave.
AR Assist Technical
In Disabled People
For example there is a disabled person who needs help immediately. So, he sends an SOS message to his guardian.
AR Assist Technical
In General Household Chores
For example help in everyday household chores without the need for external technological intervention.
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